Tips For Selling Your Jewelry For Top Dollar
If you have some jewelry that you want to sell and you want to make sure that you are going to be able to get as much money as you can for it, you will want to continue reading. With the following tips, you should have no problem earning as much as possible from your efforts, which will be money that you can put to other things, such as brand new jewelry for your collection.
Get Everything Cleaned
It might look clean and you might have kept it in jewelry box more than you wore it. However, if might still have some dirt or dust in its tiny crevices. This is why you will want to make sure that you are taking the time to properly clean all of the jewelry that you intend to sell. The proper cleaning will help the jewelry feel much nicer, as well as help make it sparkle a lot more when you go to take pictures of it. Just make sure that you are purchasing and using the appropriate jewelry cleaner for the type of material the jewelry is made of. For example, there are cleaners meant for gold and others meant for sterling silver.
Get A Lot Of Photos
If you plan on selling your jewelry online, you will want to make sure that you are getting a lot of photos. One photo is not enough to show potential buyers all sides of the jewelry pieces. You want pictures from all angles and in a nicely lit area so they will have no problem seeing all of the fine details of the jewelry piece. The more you can show off its sparkle in the photos, the more appealing it is going to be to those who get a look at it online. When you do post your photos, make sure to include some on your social media pages and encourage your friends and family to share with their contacts. The more views your jewelry listing can get, the more likely the pieces will sell very soon.
With those few tips in mind, you should have little problem selling off the jewelry that you no longer want as part of your collection. Therefore, you will want to get the process started. The sooner you are able to sell off your unwanted jewelry, the sooner you will have room for new pieces for your collection. Contact a buyer, like Patti Esbia Antique & Estate Jewelry, for more assistance.